Monday, November 15, 2010

Why Cannabis works well eaten

Hi folks. Welcome to my new blog. Here is the first article.

Why does eating Cannabis work so well?
Before I jump into that, I have a question. Did you know that Marinol and the other synthetic forms of THC are are 100% strength. That means there is nothing but pure THC that has been put in a form where the end users can not abuse it(it can't be smoked for example). They know that THC is safe. Period End of story.There was a mass of studies done on Marinol when it first came out and they did tests of it's use up against natural plant matter in different potent levels. The THC level varys from strain to strain of the plant so they tested a few. They also found that it takes more plant matter to get the same or better effects when eaten vs smoking.

Eating cannabis can be as simple as me pulling a couple live buds off to eat, to help my nausea. It really works. When it come to cooking it, there are 3 main forms. You can infuse oil or butter with cannabis and then use the oil as you normally would in a recipe. You can make a tinture; a tincture is some form of alcohol used to strip off the THC and other compounds off the plant. The third way is to grind the plant matter down to a fine powder that you can add like flour to your recipes.

The reason it works so well is because you are able to get most of the available medicine in your system rather than 60% or more of it gone when you smoke it. Smoking it is wasteful from that point of view, but it has it's place, like when you need instant pain relief and you do not have the hour or so to wait for the effects from the Cannabis

I am going to end this here. Please reply to this and ask questions. The name I picked is the name of the company I will start in a few years once it has become relegalized. Peace from Medicinal Mike

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